From darkness to light
From nobody to somebody
From self hate to
self love

Is this what you're looking for?
Then you've come to the right place!


When you say "I love myself" it doesn't feel true, it's like you are lying to yourself. To be able to say these words and feel it's the truth - you feel the love within your heart and you notice how you are able to both give and receive love.

To go from self hate to self love can be a life long journey. To know it's possible and to start with your need for a change, preferably yesterday, is a very good start.

You want to get in touch with your truth - your essence - your soul to transform in any of the following areas:

  • Health
  • Relationships
  • Occupation
  • Finances
What stands between you and the life you desire?

Our childhood has shaped us more than we think. We may have experienced trauma that we don't remember because we were too young. From this follows vulnerability and beliefs that make us hold back or live out our feelings. 
More about feelings

Suppressing our true feelings, denying pain and traumatic experiences literally imprisons us in the past and forces us to repeat childhood behavior patterns over and over again. Behavioral patterns we learned as children in order to literally survive.

Tools used

Memory access - You can access memories so that the trauma is discovered. With the help of your Soul and the divine guidance, you can access memories from early childhood.

Inner child connection - You can thus get the compassion you have long felt the need for.
Feelings are allowed to speak, they can be expressed and acknowledged. Gaining an understanding of how you felt as a child means that you can get your needs met once and for all. 

Transforming beliefs - Beliefs (negative self-talk) that have followed you for a long time can be reveiled and thereby  transformed. This with the help of methods that suit you based on what your Soul recommends.

Mediumship - If that feels right you can speak to a persons spirit  "on the other side" like a parent or another important person.

Chakra reading is the base tool for all programs.

Read more here.

My programs revive the spark of life, self compassion, self love and the realization that you ARE LOVE!