
I am - as a Swiss virgo - quite rational and used to find necessary answers on my own. I received a channeling with Karin as a birthday gift and wasn't sure what to think or expect of it.

As a preperation, I was asked to bring questions with me, and - in hindsight - it is worth spending some time for that to get the best out of the time with all the guidance Karin can invite and channel. The questions, from what I have understood, are actual doorways and allow the information coming through Karin to go deeply within.

The channeling was very personal, profound and absolutely helpful - I would even call it transforming. The messages I have received helped me see the origin of life long unconscious patterns in my relationships which was touching and freeing at the same time. Being seen and becoming conscious on that deep and loving level allowed me to change them right away - a true miracle.

I am immensely grateful for Karin's gift. She is very warm-hearted, clear and precise in what she receives, and I love to hear her speak light language and sing - these unusual frequencies touched and worked with me on a level I do not understand but experienced. If I have further questions, I will not hesitate to contact Karin. Why struggle any longer when our guides are waiting to speak through Karin to us ... So if you are looking for a very special gift (also for yourself): THAT:S the one!

Vini Gassmann
Spoke to Karin for about half an hour. The amount of information that came through was stunning. Rafael was coming through in this conversation. I could ask any question, which she would then ask Rafael in light language. She has an immediate reply, which we could discusse, and eventually dive deeper into. Having a conversation with Rafael this way was nothing but amazing.

The topic of my conversation was about my life mission. I received new information about myself, that helped me clarify my next steps on that mission. I had tips on how to improve my journey, and I had concrete answers to concrete questions. Things I already knew the answers to, were confirmed, and made me thus know, that I am on the right track to fulfill my mission. I received new information that made me believe even more in my journey, and really, really look forward to my next steps. I also had information that I hardly could believe, but if it turns out to be true, I have an absolutely stunning future in front of me. My questions were answered, and I had lots of information I had not even dared ask about.

I can only give Karin my highest recommendations.

If you want further insights into yourself, your past, present or future, I clearly recommend taking a talk with her - and Rafael or whoever will come through for your questions. Enjoy, I did!

Robert Klujeff

Karins channeling brings forth vital information I seek about myself in the most gentle, loving and confident manner. Her gift and wisdom helps guide me at crossroads in my life. I came away from our sessions feeling refreshed, energized and inspired.
Carol Sherman
Chicago USA

I never cease to be amazed by the clarity and precision of information that comes through when the channel themselves holds such a high frequency of pure intension with purity of heart. Karin is such a channeler! Life changing! Eternally Grateful!!!
Christine Athena Medici  

Poem - Past and Present Connecting

I’ve been taken back to the past,
            Surrounded by ancient walls,
Often feeling this place in my heart,
            With its mystical, powerful call.
Sitting among the broken rocks,
           And where I am alone,
Feeling sadness and confusion
            Sheltered in this cave of stone.
Beyond the cave’s entrance,
           Lies danger, death and evil,
But somehow I’ve survived
           Beyond corruption and betrayal.
A knife has wounded my body,
           But worse is my battered heart,
For those that I once trusted,
           Are pulling my people apart.
Praying to Source for help
           To see my path’s direction,
To get beyond this deep despair,
          Gaining back strength for my passion.
Inside I’m feeling fear and doubt
       About achieving my mission,
Questioning my true purpose in life,
       Blocked by questions and indecision.
Remembering how I connect with people,         Through listening and counselling,
Leading others out of pain and sorrow,
  Reviving their joy and love into the flowing
Recalling those I’ve helped
      With Divine energy running through me,
Now re-connecting with Source,
     Feeling that Divine Spark so clearly.
I’m ready now to move forward,
         No longer second-guessing,
My confidence now restored,
         Leading with Sources’ blessing.

Anonymous nov 2023